Webinar on EU security during COVID-19

29 May 2020

Network PL Association held on 28 May the webinar on EU security in the COVID-19. Our guest was Mr. Maciej Popowski, Deputy Director General in the Directorate General for Neighborhood and Enlargement of the European Commission.

Together with the participants of the webinar we talked about the threats arising from the coronavirus pandemic, the conclusions that we can draw from the current situation and the instruments that the European Union is using to face emerging challenges.

We also discussed issues of a broader understanding of strategic autonomy, Green Deal or the prospect of closer cooperation with online platforms to reduce misinformation.

We would like to thank Mr Maciej Popowski for presenting his in-depth analysis of the current situation and all participants of the debate!


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Main objectives of the Association are integration, exchange of experience and knowledge, building a network between Poles from international organizations and strengthen the positive image of Poles and Poland on the international arena.

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